Owlready2 0.27 has been released!

Owlready is a Python module for ontology-oriented programming. It can load OWL 2.0 ontologies and manipulate them transparently in Python.

Here are the changes:

  • When Pellet is called with debug >= 2 on an inconsistent ontology, Pellet explain output is displayed (contributed by Carsten Knoll)

  • Update doc theme (contributed by Carsten Knoll)

  • Adapt setup.py to allow 'python setup.py develop' and 'pip install -e .' (contributed by Carsten Knoll)

  • Add 'url' argument to Ontology.load() method

  • Add 'read_only' argument to World.set_backend() method

  • Bugfixes: - Fix XML/RDF file parsing/writing for entity having ':' in their name - Fix destroy_entity(), was leaking some RDF triples when class contructs or equivalent_to were involved - Fix 'Class1(entityname); Class2(entityname)' (was changing the individual namespace) - Fix annotation request on RDF annotation properties, e.g. label.label

The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index): https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Owlready2