Nouvel article "Enabling patients to receive clinical practice guideline recommendations for hereditary cancer risk using chatbots, family history, application programming interfaces (API), ontologies, and Owlready2"
J'ai publié un nouvel article :
[j70] Ritchie JB, Frey L, Lamy JB, Bellcross C, Morrison H, Schiffman JD, Welch BM. Enabling patients to receive clinical practice guideline recommendations for hereditary cancer risk using chatbots, family history, application programming interfaces (API), ontologies, and Owlready2: System description. Preprint 2021
Nouvel article "Early prediction of all-cause clinical deterioration in general ward patients"
J'ai publié un nouvel article :
[j73] Saab A, Abi Khalil C, Jammal M, Saikali M, Lamy JB. Early prediction of all-cause clinical deterioration in general ward patients: development and validation of a biomarker-based machine learning model derived from Rapid Response Team activations. Journal of Patient Safety 2022;18(6)
Admis au concours de l'INSERM
J'ai été reçu au concours CRCN de l'INSERM !
Après 13 ans de bons et loyaux services à l'université, je vais donc passer chercheur à temps plein.
Owlready2 0.38 est disponible !
Owlready2 est un module Python pour la programmation orientée ontologie. Il permet de charger des ontologies OWL 2.0 et de les manipuler de manière transparente en Python.
Voici les modifications :
Accepts localized language codes, such as fr_FR or fr_BE, and wildcard fr_any
Add 'update_is_a' optional args to Ontology.destroy()
Bugfixes: - Fix individual.INVERSE_prop update when prop is functional - Fix performance regression on complex SPARQL queries with OPTIONAL - Fix declare_datatype after a World has been closed - Fix Pellet reasoning on blank nodes (ignoring them) - Fix Pellet reasoning on strings data property that include comma "," - Fix boolean constant 'true' and 'false' in SPARQL engine - Fix INSERT SPARQL queries with UNION that insert RDF triples without variables - Fix SPARQL queries with only a FILTER NOT EXISTS in the WHERE part - Accept empty lines at the beginning of NTriple files - Support non-ASCII characters when parsing SWRL rules
La nouvelle version peut être téléchargé sur PyPI (Python Package Index) :
Nouvel article "Decision-support systems for managing polypharmacy in the elderly"
J'ai publié un nouvel article :
[j72] Mouazer A, Tsopra R, Sedki K, Letord C, Lamy JB. Decision-support systems for managing polypharmacy in the elderly: A scoping review. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2022;130:104074
Owlready2 0.37 est disponible !
Owlready2 est un module Python pour la programmation orientée ontologie. Il permet de charger des ontologies OWL 2.0 et de les manipuler de manière transparente en Python.
Voici les modifications :
Add World.forget_reference(entity)
Add NamedIndividual (for SPARQL results on rdf:type)
Add 'update_relation' optional args to Ontology.destroy()
Add Ontology.set_base_iri() and Ontology.base_iri = "new_base_iri"
Bugfixes: - Fix SPARQL queries having a UNION but using no variable from the UNION - Fix SPARQL queries on read only quadstores - Fix SPARQL queries mixing OPTIONAL and VALUES / STATIC - Fix property defined as a subproperty of TransitiveProperty (and the like), but not of type ObjectProperty - Fix importlib.reload(owlready2) - Fix RDF/XML serialization of individuals whose class name start by a digit - Fix RDF/XML serialization when ontology base IRI ends with / - Fix Or.Classes = ... and And.Classes = ... - Fix ONLY class properties with more than two values
La nouvelle version peut être téléchargé sur PyPI (Python Package Index) :